insurance training you need by experts you trust
Join us in Glendale, California on July 24 - 25 or
Addison, Texas on August 22 - 23
Exclusive insurance training programs originally developed for our own employees are now available for JLK Rosenberger clients and friends of the firm. Whether you’re a rookie or a seasoned veteran, our training is designed to benefit a range of insurance industry experience levels.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to increase your knowledge and skills. We hope you'll join us for one of our upcoming S.S.A.P. Chat Live insurance training events, where you will walk away with valuable insights and practical applications to elevate your career.
Full-Day Fundamentals Training:
Financial Reporting for Property and Casualty Insurance
Taught by Bill Rosenberger, CPA, Insurance Practice Leader
Stand-alone course, can also be paired with next-day Deep Dive Workshop (described below)
- Wednesday, July 24, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, JLK Rosenberger training facility in Glendale, California - Full, Registration closed
- Wednesday, August 22, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, JLK Rosenberger training facility in Addison, Texas - Full, Registration closed
Insurance topics covered in one-day, in-person training:
The business model for property and casualty insurance, key statutory accounting concepts pertaining to the investment cycle, loss reserving and claims cycle, premium cycle, and reinsurance.
After attending the training, participants will be able to:
explain the general business model for insurance and what makes it distinct from most other industries.
understand different property and casualty product offerings, how to account for, and how to report premiums and related acquisitions costs.
understand the loss reserving cycle and how to account for and report losses and loss adjustment expenses.
understand reinsurance, the basic types of reinsurance, and how to account for and report reinsurance transactions.
understand the investment cycle of insurers and how to account and report investing activities.
possess an understanding of the overall regulatory environment, including requirements that are imposed on insurance entities.
express the basic differences between the statutory basis of accounting and generally accepted accounting principles as they pertain to insurers.
Who should attend? New finance, accounting, and audit professionals, as well as experienced professionals seeking a refresher.
How many can attend? Limited to 25 attendees per training
CPE credits: 8.0
Fields of study: Accounting
Cost: $295, including lunch
Delivery method: Group Live
Location of materials: Will be given to attendees during training
Program level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
Half-Day Deep Dive Workshop:
Taught by Bill Rosenberger, CPA, Insurance Practice Leader
Stand-alone half-day workshop or add-on to Insurance Accounting Fundamentals Training (described above)
Thursday, July 25, 9:00 am - 1:30 pm, JLK Rosenberger training facility in Glendale, California - Registration closed
Thursday, August 23, 9:00 am - 1:30 pm, JLK Rosenberger training facility in Addison, Texas - Full, Registration closed
Insurance topics covered in half-day, in-person training:
Accounting for reinsurance, identifying the key processes of the transaction cycle and prominent uses of reinsurance, analysis of features found in reinsurance agreements, risk transfer methods employed by insurance companies, an introduction to the audit risk assessment process pertaining to reinsurance, and the auditor’s response to identified risks
After attending the training, participants will be able to:
possess an understanding of what reinsurance is.
know the key terminology and jargon as it applies to reinsurance.
know the purposes for using reinsurance and understand the different types of reinsurance.
understand how risk transfer is determined.
be familiar with basic accounting for reinsurance.
identify the objectives of the audit of reinsurance, significant risk and applicable audit standards.
Who should attend? Finance, accounting, and audit professionals with at least a basic understanding of the financial model for insurance entities. It is also a good course for experienced professionals seeking a refresher.
How many can attend? Limited to 25 attendees per training
CPE credits: 4.0
Fields of study: Accounting, auditing
Cost: $175, including lunch
Delivery method: Group Live
Location of materials: Will be given to attendees during training
Program level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of accounting by insurance enterprises
Advanced Preparation: None
Bill Rosenberger, CPA
Insurance Practice Leader
Course Instructor
Requests for cancellations must be submitted in writing and received by JLK Rosenberger ten (10) business days prior to the event in order to receive a refund. Please note that a fee of up to 10% will be deducted from your refund to cover the charges incurred by our payment processor.
In the rare event of a program cancellation or rescheduling, registered attendees will be contacted immediately via the registered email address. For more information regarding complaint, and/or program cancellation policies, please contact our offices at 949-860-9880.
JLK Rosenberger is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: